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Simulation Work shops


Coaching and training teachers and principles from the field of education, using simulations that allow the participants to take on "real life" scenarios which are inspired by actual events.

The simulation scripts are based on incidences that are familiar to the teacher/principle from their day to day life.

The work shop integrates professional actors.

These actors play authentic characters that dynamically change depending on the interaction with the participant.

At the end of the recording a group discussion takes place. It is based on the viewing of the selected parts of the simulation, where the participant is given feedback by the the rest of the group, the actors and the discussion leader.

Training Films


Filming and editing of training films which are played out by professional actors.

Uploading these films to youtube for quick and covenient access.

Courses in Microteaching


Training future teachers and lecturers by filming classes/ lectures using a hidden video and sound system.

The studios systems allow immediate display of the recordings in order to have an effective discussion, where feedback can be given from both the lecturer and the group.


Recording and Broadcast


Production of live Broadcasts that can be viewed from anywhere in the world that has internet connection.

The broadcasted material is recorded so it can be watched again.

It is possible to have conference calls that allow direct interactive communication with students and lecturers from all over the world.

All of the material filmed by the television studio is saved on an accessible, organized digital  backup system.

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